Paul Bennett
Bishop’s Stortford
Hertfordshire, UK
I grew up in Dalkey and as a child in the early 1960’s l was taken frequently by my father to the Vico Gentleman’s Bathing Place which at the time was a male preserve. I did also go to both Dun Laoghaire and Blackrock baths. My main memory is that it was cold! I seem to recall that they were salt water baths and were affected by the tides when the water was changed by nature but l could be wrong. I also remember the bath tubs there which were still in use for people who did not have bathrooms at home.
If you were really lucky you got a Teddy’s ice cream after your swim! As a child that was a huge treat.
The baths were popular in good weather. I remember people with towels and togs rolled up, the latter often made of wool. l seem to remember diving boards there. l could not yet swim so l clung to the side of the pool. l remember lots of noise, splashing, shouting, laughter and excitement.
It is over fifty years since l last swam there so some of my recollections may not be accurate.
I grew up in Dalkey and Dun Laoghaire in the sixties and Teddy’s was a bit of an institution. I left Ireland in 1973 aged 17 initially for two years but l never returned to live. In 1999 I was visiting with my wife and daughter and we walked the east pier and l took them for a Teddy’s, having hyped it up as the best ice cream ever. Sadly it proved for me to be a big disappointment as it failed to live up to my childhood memories! Nevertheless it was good to see it still there with long queues outside. l hope it is still there now!